If Youve Had Mono and Are Around Someone Who Has It Can You Get It Again?

Topic vocabulary in contrast

A   Each of the words in bold is in the incorrect sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

one. All twelve members of the witness were convinced of Davidson'south guilt.jury

2. I don't call back I'd ever interruption a serious law-breaking

3. If the school laws aren't written downward anywhere, how are we supposed to know what they are?

4. A psychiatrist was called every bit an expert judge during the trial

5. If a parent smacks a child, that's an example of commit punishment

half-dozen. Everyone should have the jury to a fair trial

7. If you sentenced the law, you deserve to be punished!

8. Governments must exist immune to introduce, alter and scrap bystanders.

nine. Can yous imagine what information technology's similar being justice for years in a prison cell?

10. Information technology's very important that capital is seen to be washed

eleven. Another phrase for 'right punishment' is 'the death judgement'.

12. The spy was imprisoned to life imprisonment

xiii. A number of rules watched the robbers speed off in a getaway auto.

14. 'Silence in court!' shouted the corporal angrily.

В Complete the crossword.


ii. A football... is someone who causes trouble at a football match. (8)

4. the conclusion of a gauge or jury (7)

eight. a infiltrator, robber or any other person who steals (5)

10. It might not exist absolute proof of someone'due south guilt, but information technology is used to show that someone could be guilty. (8)

11. a person the police retrieve might have committed a crime (7)

12. The jury found her not... of all charges. (6)

xiii. accept someone to court (9)


1. A solicitor is a specific type of.... (half-dozen)

iii. put someone in handcuffs and take them to the police station, for example (6)

4. a person who puts graffiti on walls, smashes windows,etc (6)

5. non guilty (8)

half-dozen. If the police force experience sure a person is guilty, they... that person with the crime. (half dozen)

7. often attack or annoy; treat someone desperately and deny them their rights (9)

ix. the person in court who is on trial (also known as the accused) (7)

4 5 half-dozen
vii 8
11 12
1 L
ii H O O L I 1000 A Due north
3 A W
iv Five E R D 5 I C T 6 C Y
A R Due north vii P 8 T H I E F
N East Northward E A R
9 A D Southward O R R
C A T C S Chiliad
C L 10 E V I D Due east N C East
U Northward C
11 S U Due south P Eastward C T 12 1000 U I Fifty T Y
D 13 P R O Due south E C U T E

Phrasal verbs

С Complete using the right form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

intermission out • bring in • chase afterwards • come up forward • go off •hold up • look into • make off

1. So many witnesses take _________ that information technology will take days to interview them all.

2. The two robbers _________ on a motorbike.

3. Police are _________ allegations of corruption in the mayor's office.

4. The government is thinking of _________ a police to allow on-the-spot fines for hooligans.

5. A robber has _________ three banks in town in the last week.

6. They spent two years planning their escape before they finally _________of prison.

7. The policewoman _________ the pickpocket brought him to the basis and finally arrested him.

8. Luckily, the bomb disposal squad defused the flop before information technology _________.

D   Write ane word in each gap.


The most incredible thing happened to me yesterday. I was walking habitation from school when I saw a wallet on the ground full of money. I picked it up, and was just near to take it to the policestation to (1) _________ it in, when a police officer jumped out and told me I was under arrest forstealing. I tried to explain the situation just he wouldn't (ii) _________ down.'l won't let you become(3) _________ with this/he said.'You're a thief, and thieves accept to be punished.'He handcuffedme and collection me to the police force station, where he took (4) _________ my proper name and address. Istarted crying, and begged him to (5) _________ me off, again trying to explain that I wasn'tgoing to go along the coin. Suddenly, my all-time friend Adrian and a Telly presenter came in and the police force officer started laughing. It was a practical joke for a Tv set testify, and I'd been completely (vi) _________ in!

Phrases and collocations

E   Circle the correct word.

1. I don't know why yous're putting / taking the arraign on me.

2. Shelley has no intention / purpose of admitting she lied.

3. Information technology doesn't / isn't necessary to set up the infiltrator warning.

4. The judge made / gave us permission to call a suprise witness.

5. Nosotros don't know who was at fault / damage yet, but we'll notice out.

vi. Pitiful, I mistook y'all for / with someone else.

seven. Should judges take children into reason / account when sentencing their parents?

eight. The programme went / had incorrect, didn't it?

9. We need prisons in solution / order to keep lodge safe from dangerous criminals.

10. Many people are making / taking advantage of the change in the tax law.

Word patterns

F   Lucifer to brand sentences.

ane. They accused me A for shoplifting.

2. Our next-door neighbour was arrested В she's guilty.

iii. Iii people accept been charged С someone to steal something from a store.

four. She denied D of someone shoplifting.

five. I doubt whether E stealing the wearing apparel.

6. I defenseless a glimpse F to steal something from the shop.

7. My friends fabricated me G steal something from the shop.

eight. She says she was made H with theft.

nine. It is illegal for I of shoplifting.

G Write i discussion in each gap.

Newton Archer                                                                                               The Voice of Sanity


Owen Davis used to be my hero. 1 of the greatest athletes of his generation, Owen made the states recall that everything was possible. I had and so much respect (l) for  him, especially in terms of his 'no drugs in sport' campaign. And at present there's no doubt that all the time Davis was challenge (ii) _________ drugs were damaging sport, he himself was taking them. Last week, the International Athletics Association found Davis guilty (iii) _________ taking banned trunk-enhancing substances. Davis has been banned from taking function in national and international events for the adjacent five years, and the IAA are threatening (4) _________ ban future drug-takers for life. I hope they practise. I refuse (v) _________ have that nosotros should testify sympathy towards Davis at a time like this. Nosotros should never forgive people similar Owen Davis (vi) _________ bringing sport into disrepute.

Word formation

H  Each of the words in bold is in the wrong grade. Write the right course on the line.

1. I'k not sure that sending young offence to prison is such a good idea. offenders

2. There's admittedly no solid prove that he was anywhere well-nigh the scene of the crime. _________

3. I'm not saying some other word until I've spoken to my constabulary. _________

four. You shouldn't make accuse like that without show. _________

v. When she left the police force, she worked as a private investigate for a while . _________

6. 'I promise that your prison has shown you lot the error of your ways,' said the prison governor. _________

7. He was initially sent to a maximumsecure prison house. _________

8. Lying and stealing are both forms of honest. _________

ix. Constabulary are looking carefully at the forensic evident. _________

ten. There'southward no dubiety this painting is a forge. _________

11. Drug addict is no excuse - no 1 should hold up a petrol station! _________

12. The rob took identify at half past x in the morning. _________

13. No one is born a theft, and no one has to remain one their whole life. _________

14. The convict of a number of senior executives has left the whole business customs in stupor. _________

xv. The problem with prisons is that they're total of offense who can teach new inmates all their tricks and skills! _________

16. Should a murder be given the death penalty? _________

A Utilize the word given in capitals at the terminate of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

STOP Press

Frank Turner, the (1) _________ in a trial that has attracted national ACCUSE

attending, was today convicted of murder. The constabulary (two) _________ INVESTIGATE

lasted for a yr and during the trial over 100 hours of (3) _________ EVIDENT

were heard. Turner's (4) _________ had all argued that he was not in the LAW

expanse at the time, but could non provide the necessary (5) _________. Bear witness

Constabulary described Turner equally a well-known (half dozen) _________ who was THEFT

responsible for many (7) _________ in the local region. This is not ROB

Turner's first (eight) _________ Seven years ago, he was found guilty of Captive

(ix) _________ and served three years in prison. The judge is expected FORGE

to sentence Turner to a flow of (ten) _________ later this week. Prison

(1 mark per answer)

В Friction match to brand sentences.

11. I heard that they're going to bring 12. Police are appealing for members of the public to come up 13. Nobody was convinced when the human being claimed the gun had gone 14. The policewoman started to take 15. Lots of old people accept been taken 16. Peterson was found guilty of holding 17. Many people get xviii. The policeman decided to let Shaun A off accidentally in his mitt. В away with serious crimes every twenty-four hour period. С in by this trick and have lost a lot of coin. D forward with whatsoever information they feel might be useful. Due east upwards the banking company and was sentenced to five years in prison house. F off this time, but told him that he wouldn't be so lucky side by side time. Yard in a law banning smoking in public places. H down everything I was maxim and I knew I was in serious problem.

(1 mark per reply)

С Complete the second judgement using the word given, and then that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

19. Police force said at that place hadn't been a crime as bad as this in over ten years. the

Police described it every bit the worst offense in over ten years.

twenty. Some people don't respect the police force. have

Some people ________________ the law.

21. The laws in some countries are and then strict that people have very little freedom. such

Some countries ________________ people have very little freedom.

22. The girl was too young to go to prison. old

The daughter ________________.to go to prison.

23. The witness idea I was the thief, but realised that she was wrong. for

The witness ________________ but realised that she was wrong.

24. Nobody in the country knows the constabulary as well as Mr Parkhurst. than

Mr Parkhurst knows the law ________________ in the land.

25. There have been and so many robberies lately that people are afraid. such

There have been ________________robberies lately that peopleare afraid.

26. Even though nosotros weren't former enough, nosotros managed to get into the dark club. too

Even though nosotros ________________ nosotros managed to get into thenight club.

27. The judge told the jury to consider the human'south by life. account

The gauge told the jury to ________________the man's past life.

(ii marks per answer)

D   Choose the correct respond.

28. I had … a bad time in prison that I never want to go at that place once again.

A likewise                                 В so

С such                               D quite

29. One trouble is that nosotros don't have … officers on the streets.

A and so a lot of                      В too many

С enough                           D such many

thirty. I can't become a car yet considering I'm not … to drive.

A enough old                    Вquite old

С so old                             Dold plenty

31. Some crimes seem to be … in this country than in others.

A much less common        В the to the lowest degree mutual

С too piffling common          D little common enough

32. Law blamed the robberies … a local gang.

A with                               В on

С for                                  D to

33. My grandma says at that place was …a lot of offense when she was immature that nobody trusted anybody else.

A also                                 В and so

С such                               D quite

It became … as I walked abode and I began to get slightly nervous.

A enough dark                  В such dark

С quite dark                      D and then dark enough

(1 mark per answer)

E   Cull the correct answer.

35. The prisoner knew he had … a error and would regret information technology forever.

A got                               С done

В taken                         D made

36. The boy … that he had had annihilation to exercise with the break-in.

A refused                          С objected

В denied                       D rejected

37. Of a sudden, someone shouted, 'Thief!' and the man apace … on a motorbike.

A took in                      С came forward

В fabricated off                        D handed in

38. Do you accept … to take that bike?

A allowance                      С willingness

В exception                       D permission

39. He said it was an blow, but I know he did it on … .

A purpose                          С goal

В aim                               D reason

40. Things started to … wrong for the robbers when the alarm went off.

A take                               С become

В have                               D come up

41. The sign says that all shoplifters volition be … .

A persecuted                     С prosecuted

В disproved                      D prohibited

(1 mark per reply)

Total marker: … /l

Unit xiii                            GRAMMAR

• Modals: ability, permission, advice, criticism, obligation and necessity, degrees of certainty

Course • All modals (will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must) and the semi-modal ought to have only i grade. •     Modals are followed by the bare infinitive (simple or continuous) or the bare perfect infinitive eg Toby should be very fit past now. Toby should have recovered by at present. •     The semi-modals have to and need to change their form depending on person and tense eg The medico said I had/needed to give up red meat.

( Modals: ability )

Employ Modal Instance
Expressing ability now or generally can I can run a kilometre in four minutes.
Expressing decisions fabricated now about futurity ability tin can Nosotros can meet at the gym tomorrow, if you like.
Expressing ability in the past could I could exercise fifty press-ups with one hand when I was younger.
Expressing ability in present,future or general hypothetical situations could If simply I could quit smoking!
Expressing ability in by hypothetical situations could + perfect infinitive I could have roasted the potatoes, but I decided that boiling them was healthier.

Lookout OUT

• Nosotros use be able to for the infinitive and other tenses.

I'd love to exist able to fit into these jeans again! (infinitive)

I'llbe able to leave hospital in a few weeks, apparently. (future)

I'vebeen able to swim since I was five. (present perfect)

( Modals: permission )

Utilise Modal Example
Request for and giving permission now, for the future or more often than not may could can May/Could/ Са due north I see the dr.,delight?

Sentinel OUT

May is more polite than could , and could is more polite than can .

• We don't usually use a modal to talk about past permission.

✓I was allowed to wear a human knee back up during the lucifer.

I could wear a knee support during the match.

• Notwithstanding, we do apply could to talk nigh past permission in reported oral communication.

✓The coach said I could wear a human knee back up during the match.

( Modals: communication )

Use Modal Example
Request for and giving communication at present, for the future or more often than not should ought to You ought to /should cut downward on the amount of ruby-red meat you swallow.

( Modals: criticism )

Utilise Modal Instance
Criticising past behaviour should ought to (+ perfect infinitive) He ought to /should accept made more of an endeavour with his diet.

( Modals: obligation and necessity )

Use Modal Example
Expressing obligation or necessity must/have to/need to I must/have to/need to choice up that prescription from the chemist on the way dwelling.
Expressing lack of obligation or necessity needn't/don't take to /don't need to Yous needn't/don't have to/don't need to pick upwardly that prescription from the chemist as I'll get it while I'm in town.
Expressing by obligation had to I had to take the pills iii times a day for two weeks.
Expressing lack of past obligation needn't(+perfect infinitive) / didn't have to / didn't need to I needn't have gone/didn't have to go/didn't need to go to the doctor.


• There is usually no departure in meaning betwixt must and have to . However, we are sometimes more likely to use must for personal obligation (making our own determination about what nosotros must do) and have to for external obligation (someone else making a decision about what nosotros must do).

• Nosotros tin can besides use will have/demand to to limited future obligation.

✓Yous' ll have/demand to exist more careful about what you eat in hereafter.

• It is unusual to use must for questions. We unremarkably employ take/need to .

✓Do I have/need to take this medicine before every meal?

Must cannot be used as an infinitive. Use to have to .

✓I'd hate to accept to have injections every day.

Mustn't and don't/doesn't have/need to have different meanings.

✓Yous mustn't do that! (Don't do that!)

✓Y'all don't have/need to do that. (You can do that if you want to merely it'south non necessary.)

Needn't (+ perfect infinitive) always refers to an action that happened.

Didn't have to and didn't need to can refer to deportment that did or didn't happen.

✓I needn't have gone to the doc. (I went but it wasn't necessary.)

✓I didn't have/need to go to the dr. considering I suddenly felt ameliorate. (I didn't get.)

✓I didn't have/need to go to the doctor but I went merely to exist on the safe side. (I did go.)

• Exist careful with the verb need . It tin can likewise take the -ing course.

✓I need to sterilise this syringe.

✓This syringe needs sterilising.

( Modals: degrees of certainty )

Use Modal Case
Expressing certainty (or almost certainty) nearly now or generally must tin can't couldn't That must be the commune nurse at the door. These can't/couldn't exist the pills; they're the incorrect color.
Expressing certainty (or most certainty) about the past must can't couldn't (+perfect infinitive) She must accept been in a lot of pain. His leg can't/couldn't have been in plaster for two years!
Expressing probability about now, the future or generally should ought to You ought to/should experience better in a few days, every bit long equally you lot get lots of balance.
Expressing probability about the by should ought to (+perfect infinitive) The bruise ought to /should accept disappeared days ago. I wonder why it didn't.
Expressing possibility near now, the future or mostly could may might You should talk to your doctor first because that diet could / may /might be unsafe.
Expressing possibility about the real past could may might (+perfect infinitive) That could/may/might have been the medico who rang earlier while we were out.
Expressing possibility almost a hypothetical by could might (+perfect infinitive It's a good thing you went to the md or y'all could/might take become quite sick.

A  If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.

1. Can yous to speak French? speak

2. I can give you lot a hand tomorrow morning, if you lot like. ___________

3. I'll can take my driving test afterward a few more lessons. ___________

four. Jack can play the guitar earlier he learnt to talk! ___________

five. If only I can afford to buy that meridian! ___________

half-dozen. We can take gone up the Eiffel Tower while we were in Paris, but we decided to go to the Louvre instead       . ___________

vii.I could get a more expensive computer, but it didn't seem worth it. ___________

8. I wish I could get out of the maths test tomorrow! ___________

nine. I bet you lot'd love to be tin can to go satellite TV. ___________

10. You'd better tell the passenger vehicle if you lot tin't playing on Saturday. ___________

В Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

1. Hello. Could / Tin I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?

2. We could / were allowed to go domicile early yesterday because our teacher was ill.

3. The head teacher said we could / were allowed to go home.

4. Do you think I should / could exist worried almost these spots on my brow?

5. You lot ought to / should enter that talent contest!

6. You couldn't / shouldn't talk to people like that! It's rude!

7. Alan should write / accept written two essays in the exam yesterday, not one!

eight. No, you may / should not go out tonight. Yous know you're grounded!

nine. Diana shouldhave waited / been waiting for me at the corner. I wonder where she went.

10. What were y'all doing in the park? You ought to have done / been doing your homework so!

eleven. Yeah, of class you can / are able to open the window if you're too hot!

СWrite a grade of must, accept to, need or need to in each gap to complete the sentences. If more thanone possibility is right, write all possibilities.

1. Oh, I must/(will) take/need to emember to get some potatoes on the way dwelling tonight.

2. Jason _______ see the headmaster during the side by side break. I wonder what it'due south almost.

iii. We _______ light lots of candles during the power cut ii nights ago.

4. I'll _______ start doing my Christmas cards before long. It's nearly Dec.

5. Carl, you _______ run into the street like that without looking first. Information technology's dangerous!

vi. People with solar-powered cars _______ worry almost the price of petrol.

7. I wouldn't like to _______ become up at five o'clock every morning.

8. We _______ practise any washing-upwards after the picnic considering we'd used dispensable plates and cutlery.

nine. Practice professional person musicians _______ exercise every day?

10. I _______ have bothered cooking all that food; they'd eaten before they arrived.

D Complete each 2d judgement using the word given, and then that it has a like meaning to the first sentence. Write between 2 and five words in each gap.

1. His lights are on so I'k pretty sure Dan is at home. every bit

Dan must be at home every bit his lights are on.

2.Susie's motorcar'southward not here so she's almost certainly taking Dobber to the vet. be

Susie _______________ Dobber to the vet since her machine's nothere.

3. There's no way that boy's Simon. He'southward much taller! boy

That _______________ Simon. He's much taller!

iv. I'm certain the Winners don't call up nosotros're coming this night; we arranged it for next Tuesday.expecting

The Winners _______________ this evening; we arranged it for next Tuesday.

five. I bet you were wearied after such a long journey! have

You _______________ wearied after such a long journey!

6. The only caption is that Evan was on the phone to someone in Australia! talking

Evan _______________ on the phone to someone in Australia!

7. There's no fashion Casey won the disco dancing competition - he's got ii left feet! have

Casey _______________ the disco dancing competition - he's gottwo left feet!

eight. I don't believe Helen'due south been trying to call u.s. all twenty-four hour period.The phone hasn't rung once. been

Helen _______________ to call us all day.The phone hasn't rungonce.

E Use the words in the box only once to consummate the sentences in Table A. The meaning of the sentences in Tabular array В volition aid you.

able • cannot • could • had • have • might • must needn't • mustn't • ought • should • will

Table A Table В
ane. I must have left my bag on thebus. expressing certainty
2. In a few months, I'll exist … to buy a auto. expressing future ability
3. I … drive when I was thirteen years old! expressing past ability
4. No, you … have whatever more than pocket money! refusing a request
5. I think you … consider a career in the war machine. giving advice
6. expressing personal obligation
7. expressing external obligation in the past
8. You don't … to do Exercise D for homework. expressing a lack of obligation
9. You … have to work a lot harder if you want to get a good study. expressing future obligation
ten. They … to go far at about 8. expressing probability
11. Sean … take got stuck in traffic. expressing possibility
12. I … take worried so much nigh Jan's present. She loved it! expressing a lack of by obligation

F   Circle the correct answer.

one. … I have a expect at those shoes in the window, delight?

A Must                              В Would

С Should                           D Could

2. Nosotros … pay for the tickets as Josie won them in a competition.

A mustn't                          В didn't have to

С couldn't                         D hadn't to

iii. Y'all actually … make such a mountain out of a molehill!

A can't                               В won't

С mightn't                         D shouldn't

4. Y'all won't … to connect to the Internet in one case you've got broadband as you're online twenty-four hours a 24-hour interval.

A need                                          В must

С ought                             D able

v. I hope nosotros … find the movie house hands.

A could                             В may

С might                             D can

vi. We couldn't find a hotel room so we … sleep in the car. Information technology was awful!

A must                                          В should

С had to                            D could

7. We'd honey to … beget to continue a round-the-world prowl.

A tin can                                 В exist able to

С will have to                    D have to

8. Fiona can't … nigh the meeting. I reminded her this morning!

A forget                            В exist forgetting

С have forgotten               D have been forgetting

9. She could ...in the garage when we came round, which would explain why she didn't hear the bell. A work                    В be working

С have worked                  D have been working

10. You'll … tell the constabulary that your business firm was broken into.

A have to                          В must

С had to                            D should

G   Write a modal or semi-modal in each gap to replace the phrase in brackets. Add together any other words you need.

ane. Bruce can(is able to) finish most crosswords in under ten minutes.

2. Charlotte didn't go to the Craig David concert considering she _______ (wasn't able to) become tickets.

3. I _______ (had the opportunity to go) to Oxford only I decided to go to a more modernistic university.

four. You _______ (were wrong to tell) Angus. You know he can't proceed a secret!

five. If y'all have a cashpoint card, you _______ (are not forced to) go into the bank to get money from your account.

6. We _______ (were made to) apologise to the law for wasting their time.

seven. That _______ (virtually definitely wasn't) the final can of soda in the fridge. I bought loads this morning!

viii. _______ (Wereyou obliged to) talk about two photographs during the interview?

ix. Children _______ (are not allowed to) exist left unattended.

10. The weather _______ (willprobably) be good tomorrow.

H  Choose the correct answer.


Choosing to go to a gym regularly (1) _______ change your life for the better. Don't let it be a decision

y'all regret!

Good gyms have a lot to offer. They (2) _______ provide exercise equipment that is just too expensiveto buy and their trained staff are (3) _______ to provide quality health and fettle advice. But if you'replanning to bring together a gym, you (4) _______ definitely enquire to look round before you become a member. At that place are a number of things to bear in listen earlier choosing which gym to join.

Before the law changed a few years ago, anyone (5) _______ set a gym and even today gyms(6) _______ use trained fettle instructors. Find out what qualifications the staff have. If they'reuntrained, it's best to become elsewhere.

You (7) _______ be put off by the gym's hard sell. Only because they want you to sign up - they wantyour money, afterward all - that doesn't mean you lot (8) _______ decide there so. See a few gyms earlier yous make your final decision.

Enquire yourself: What kind of equipment and facilities exercise they accept? In that location'due south little indicate joining agym and so thinking a few months later,'I (9) _______ have called a gym with a pool.' Practise you(10) _______ book equipment in accelerate, or can y'all just turn upward and apply it? How busy does the gym get? It (11) _______ be very pleasant turning up to find in that location'south no room in the changing roomand at that place's a huge queue for each piece of equipment. It (12) _______ too be a good idea to talk topeople who already get to that gym to find out their stance.

1. A must                      В would            С should           D will have to

ii. A can                        В could             С would            D must

3. A fabricated                     В forced           С allowed         D able

4. A should                    В would            С might             D will

5. A can                        В could             С might             D may

6. A mustn't                    В don't take to      С tin can't                    D shouldn't

seven. A mustn't                    В couldn't         С won't             D mightn't

8. A can't                      В can                    С would            D have to

nine. A ought to               В must                    С take to          D can't

10. A able                     В must                    С have to          D allowed

11. A won't have to        В doesn't have to  С mustn't          D won't

12. A must                    В might             С has to            D ought to

I   Write one give-and-take in each gap.

When I broke my arm a week ago, I judge it (1) ought to have hurt. Just it didn't! We weredoing PE at school, and we were making a pyramid. We (two) ________ to stand on each other'sshoulders. I was right at the top. We (3) ________ have been doing it properly because suddenlythe pyramid collapsed and nosotros all vicious. I landed on my arm.

Mr Jenkins (4) ________ have known immediately that I'd broken my arm because he sentsomeone to call an ambulance.'Sit nevertheless, and don't move your arm at all until the ambulance comes,'he said. I (v) ________ still remember the feeling - my arm was numb, and looked very foreign, but there was no hurting at all. I call up thinking:'lt (6) ________ be broken. If it was cleaved, I'dbe in agony.'I suppose non feeling whatsoever hurting (7) ________ have been because I was in shock.

The plaster (8) ________ come off in about 3 weeks but it (9) ________ take to stay onlonger. Information technology depends on whether the break has healed properly or not. The next three weeks may(ten) ________ be the best three weeks of my life - no basketball, no playing in the playground,no swimming - only I'm counting my blessings. Information technology (xi) ________ accept been a lot worse!


Source: https://lektsia.com/13x608e.html

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